Choosing The Right Gym

Choosing The Right Gym

Whether you just moved to a new area or have recently decided to add exercise to your weekly routine, choosing the right gym can encourage you to head there more often, hence garnering you positive results.

If you have the time, it’s a good idea to visit a few gyms before settling on one in order to see the different things offered and the setup of the gym itself.

That said, here are some more things you should keep in mind before you sign a contract.

Choosing the right gym tip #1

Location & parking
Is the gym located in a place that you would really head to before or after work, or even on the weekends? Women tend not to attend a gym that requires more than a 12-minute drive, so make sure the gym is close enough to where you work or live.

As well, if you like a gym but it takes over 10 minutes to find a parking spot, what are the chances that you’ll really be motivated to go day after day? Make sure they have adequate parking facilities.

Choosing the right gym tip #2

Staff & members

Are the staff polite and helpful or do they look at you in a territorial way? It’s important to feel welcome by the staff or you may not want to go there very often.

What about the members? Although you can’t head there for a week straight to check them all out, you can get a feel for what the clientele is like (I suggest visiting the gyms at a time that you plan to head there and train).

Feel free to ask members how they like it, what they don’t like about the gym and how long they’ve been members. They have nothing to gain by lying.

Choosing the right gym tip #3


Although gyms can’t be 100% germ free, the staff can make an effort to dust and clean the machines regularly. If you see vents filled with years of dust or unhygienic practices, you shouldn’t join.

Are there towels and cleaning products available for members to clean up after themselves should they end up sweating on the machines?

Besides checking out the actual gym, take a look at the changing rooms. Are the showers clean? Are the sinks filled with hair and dirt? Are the toilets in working order and hygienic? Are empty lockers filled with dirty tissues and dried mud from women’s shoes?

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